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What is ASE?

ASE is a PTO-sponsored after school enrichment program offered to PQ students in kindergarten through fifth grades. ASE meets in different classrooms throughout the school building promptly at the end of the school day, with students signing up to take part in a wide array of fun course offerings.

Who teaches ASE courses?

Most of our courses are taught by professional outside vendors (like local art schools and sports organizations). Other courses are taught by faculty and staff from the North Salem Central School District. Instructor/vendor information will be noted on the course description when available. *All instructors must be fingerprinted with NYSED in order to participate in the program.

What type of courses are offered?

Course offerings vary each semester, depending on student interest and vendor participation. A sampling of courses that we have offered in the past include cooking, tennis, hip hop dance, STEAM, ukulele, ceramics, golf, ballet, chess, yoga, physics and coding. Please reach out if there is a class and/or vendor that you would like to see offered through the program.

When does ASE meet?

ASE meets after school Monday through Friday from school dismissal until 4:00p. Participants select which day(s) they would like to attend the program by signing up for their course(s) of interest. On days that a child is enrolled in an ASE course, an approved adult must pick him/her up from PQ promptly at 4:00p. It is on these days also that families must remember to change their child's dismissal arrangements in School Dismissal Manager.

When are ASE courses offered?

There are three ASE semesters each school year: one in the fall (running from October through December), one in the winter (running from January through March), and one in the spring (running from April through June).

How much does it cost to participate in ASE?

Prices for participation vary by course/instructor, with most courses costing between $12 to $25 a session; there are approximately 8 to 10 sessions each semester. All pricing information is clearly noted during registration.

© 2023 by PQ PTO

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